|  Sudoku Cube - extreme30 puzzlesFiles: BMP For Commercial UseLevels: extreme You are offered the right - non-exclusive -, to edit the puzzles for commercial purposes. Terms and conditions:- for commercial use (newspapers, magazines and KDP) ,... | 3.00 USD |
|  Tip diagramă : zig - zag ( diagrame netematice )Număr de jocuri: 30 Format: JPG , 300 DPINumăr de coloane: 14Număr de rânduri: 18Jocurile nu sunt paginate. Poza este dată doar ca exemplu.-----------------------------LICENȚA: Puteți folosi... | 3.00 USD |
|  Sudoku 4x4 - easyPuzzles: 1.000 Files: JPG 300 dpi, CMYK - You are offered the right -non-exclusive -, to edit the puzzles for commercial purposes. LICENSE.Terms and conditions:- for commercial use (newspapers, magazines and KDP) You are not... | 3.00 USD |
|  MATH PUZZLES - SYMBOLS (1)Files: JPG , 300 dpi, CMYK30 puzzles with 4 symbols. You are offered the right - non-exclusive -, to edit the puzzles for commercial purposes. Terms and conditions:- for commercial use (newspapers, magazines and KDP) You... | 3.00 USD |
|  Sudoku 4x4 - very easyPuzzles: 1000 CMYK, 300 DPI - You are offered the right - non - exclusive -, to edit the puzzles for commercial purposes. LICENSE.Terms and conditions:- for commercial use (newspapers, magazines and KDP) You are not allowed:-... | 3.00 USD |